
The Meditations Trilogy

Created by James A. Owen

A series of books that will help you find your purpose in life and the courage to pursue it, written by author James A. Owen

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 09:25:10 PM

And there we are.

We're going to see this through to the close, because there have been a couple of cancellations and pledge reductions, and we don't want to risk losing ground. But now, tonight, I just wanted to say THANK YOU.

Going The Distance
about 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 02:44:45 PM

The Meditations Kickstarter has 240 backers and just 29 hours left to run to raise $1848 in order to be fully funded. Four days ago, we were only 51% funded. Today we are 93% funded. I think we can find 10 more people who want to see these books in print, and bring us the rest of the way. Here's the link - you know what to do. Show me something awesome today.

85% Funded + a New Bonus Reward!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 01:07:01 PM

With 54 hours to go, we are 85% funded, and this thing is going to go the distance. Thank you everyone for your support of this project!

A few people have also asked if they could add some of the coloring books to their rewards packages, and the answer is YES! Just add $15 for each coloring book you would like, or $50 for the set of four, and when you are sent the BackerKit survey after the project is over, you'll have the extra amounts as a credit, and you can just select the books you want.

 A little more than two days to go – almost there!

With thanks,

James & Team Dragon

Game. ON.
about 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 12:28:27 PM

This morning, the project was just over halfway funded, with only four days left to go.

Now, just past noon, it has crossed the $15k mark – which means there is far LESS needed to raise to fund the project than we needed just seven hours ago.

Nothing truly worthwhile was ever accomplished easily, or alone. And a difficult task can be made less so by companions willing to step up and say "We are going to make this happen." That's what has been taking place today. My friends; my family; my Tribe; my Dragon Army, is rising up to make something astonishing happen. And I am exceedingly grateful for the show of support and the actions that have backed up the words.

There's still a long way to go, but the finish line is THERE. It's doable. Nine thousand and change is a LOT easier to raise than fifteen thousand, but we have three and a half days in which to do it.

I believe in you. Thank for for believing in me. Alone, we can sometimes fall; but together, we can catch each other, and then, sometimes, we can even FLY.

Add what you are able. Share the message, that so clearly resonates with so many of you, as much as you are able. Speak your heart about what these books mean to you. And let's get this thing DONE.

James & Team Dragon

Making Magic & Miracles Happen
about 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 12:28:19 PM

We're just under being halfway funded, and have about twenty percent of the campaign left to go. So now it's time to roll up some sleeves and push. Nothing truly worthwhile was ever accomplished simply or easily – and I can't push this project any harder on my own.

Those of you receiving this update have already shown a belief in what we're doing here. You see value in these books, and maybe already read them via the free ebook promotion, and you want to have them in a more permanent form. You are the ones who already have my gratitude. But I have one additional request to make of you.

In the Afterwords to DRAWING OUT THE DRAGONS, the VERY LAST message I share is to always ask for what you want – because the universe might just surprise you and give it to you. What I want is to see this project through, and these books published. I want to put them in the hands of readers who will cherish them. And I want to keep making my own base stronger by printing enough copies that we can ship them to bookstores all over the world. That's why the goal was set where it was, so that the print run could be both of the highest quality and economically feasible.

What I want to ask is for each of you, the backers on THIS project, to share your opinion of the books with just TWO other people whom you think would want the books and would support the project. Not just a signal boost, or a shared link, but a direct appeal to just two other persons whom you truly think these works would resonate with, followed by a request that they go to the link and look at the project for themselves.

If you would be willing to do that for me, then maybe we'll get to see something interesting happen. Maybe something miraculous – real magic, that we made happen together.

We have just over five days to push this through. And I believe. Will you do this for me, and see if we can draw in enough backers to make it work?

With gratitude, your friend in moxie –

James & Team Dragon